Osugi from ATL here. There were many voices complaining that they “did not know what they could say” in the previous release of the Imaginary Boyfriend Toy Creation Plan, so with the aim of experimental conversation on this occasion, and with the cooperation of the people at Group SNE famous for the Japanese version of Black Stories: 50 rabenschwarze Rätsel, we tried to create an imaginary boyfriend conversation game.
The subject was an imaginary boyfriend game! Use the link below to play.
Imaginary Boyfriend Game Portal
Playing is easy; just enter the name you want to be called in the user name field at the bottom of the screen and click the Start button to start the game.

Imaginary boyfriend game dialog window
Whereupon, a chat window will be displayed, so start talking to your imaginary boyfriend to solve the hidden mystery.
See the actual site for the actual rules.
Also, while playing the game, if any part of the conversation feels unreal, help us by contacting @rtech_atl regarding any of the following three points: “Words I entered myself”, “Imaginary boyfriend’s replies”, and “I’d like to change this phrasing”.
Thank you very much.